Ocean monitoring and subsea
For subsea and ocean monitoring, AmbieSense has developed a technology combining customizable adaptive cameras with data monitoring, archiving, and management solutions — all designed to operate either connected or independently of the internet. These allow video and sensor data to be enhanced, fused, filtered, augmented, and tracked over time, providing enhanced situational awareness for maritime environments.
The AmbieSense technology platform includes information fusion, storage, and retrieval, and enables deep learning techniques like object detection and recognition to be integrated into data logging and notification systems.

Mobile information
We bring relevant information to the right situation and user, by embedding digital information in the vicinity of objects, rooms, and places.
Our technology is designed to satisfy people's information needs. Mobile information, Internet, WiFi, 5G, LTE-M, NB-IoT, NFC, and Bluetooth are some turnkeys for our customers to reach out to people and businesses.

Vicinity and sense
We provide systems for localised information delivery using mobiles, tablets, cameras, robots, IoT, and sensors in the environment.
We have applications for robotics, news, multimedia, connected vehicles, shopping, education and other contexts where the proximity of the user to places and objects determines the content you would like the users to see. These deliver information relevant to specific surroundings and situations, for proximity-based information and messaging solutions.

What we do
AmbieSense provides innovative products and services for the distribution and delivery of mobile content and sense data.
We have delivered across sectors including for robotics, telecom, education, media, smart cities, travel and cultural heritage. We work closely with our customers to bring information into the hands of people with mobile phones. We help businesses in developing, delivering, and servicing new solutions that enable them to stay in touch with customers.