About Us
AmbieSense is a research-oriented business with specialities in applications of AI, machine learning, data science, information fusion, embedded hardware, and software. AmbieSense performs research and innovation projects with particular focus on enhancing situational-awareness for humans and robots through combination of new sensors, mobile apps, with intelligent edge, and cloud. We help transform new research into products and services, are experienced in EU projects, and active in publishing research results in scientific journals and conferences. AmbieSense is a pioneer in bringing state-of-the-art research-based technology into innovative and intelligent information solutions for complex physical environments. AmbieSense’s mission is to create technology that gives customers the information they need, when they need it — whatever the challenges of the environment.
The offering of science-driven expertise and consultancy is a key feature of the AmbieSense value proposition. Our team perform industrial research and innovation projects, as well as development of new products such as intelligent cameras, smart objects, artificial intelligence, multimedia search, and wireless devices that incorporate aspects of our research outputs. As three recent examples: we offer intelligent robot cameras for autonomous detection and tracking of airplanes, vehicles, ships, and small vessels for autonomous navigation and safety. We also offer intelligent ocean vision for subsea operations, maintenance, and oceanology purposes. And, we offer intelligent, solar-driven trackers and sensors as eco-friendly solution for autonomous monitoring of international shipping cargo and mobile assets.
We work closely with partners and customers to bring people the right information, as and when they need it. Thus, we help bring relevant information to the right situation and user - based on new and emerging technologies.
Our history
AmbieSense originally started as a large, European project funded by the EU-IST FP5 Research Programme. Due to its success in both research and innovation, the AmbieSense companies were founded and grouped early in 2005 with strong support and help from Innovation Norway and Scottish Enterprise from autumn 2004 and onwards, resulting in joint commercialisation in both countries.
The project outputted over 30 research publications, but also with success in commercialising several key technologies for enabling mobile information services. Today, these corner-stones are commonly referred to as Mobile apps, Internet of Things, and Cloud Services. Several of the research publications continue to be cited in particular on personalisation, context-awareness, and user evaluation methodology. In the spirit of this origin, we have continued to work on research and innovation, generating journal and conference publications in addition to innovation. Since then, some of the young researchers have become Professors in AI, machine learning, search, as well as heads of deep learning-focussed businesses.
We continue to contribute to European Innovation by participating in European Research and Innovation projects, to keep ourselves up-to-date on new and emerging technologies that can give ourselves and customers the upper edge.
Further information on the EU-IST FP5 project can be found on ambiesense.net. However, please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information on these earlier research results.